Winnipeg Knightly Arts

Historical European Martial Arts School

Winnipeg HEMA swordsmanship school focused on the Lichtenauer school of combat.

We study Historical European Martial Arts and currently focus on German Longsword. In the future we plan to expand into Langes Messer, Dagger, Wrestling, and Pollaxe.

Recommended Equipment

Here is a list of the best training equipment that I've found for the type of training that we do. This is by no means the complete list of acceptable training tools, simply the ones that I've found to work the best for our classes. The equipment is presented in the recommended order of purchase as well.

Training Weapons

Feders are the ideal tool for training as they offer the most realistic sense of how swords interact. Often the value of a technique is only obvious when using steel swords since the steel has a specific feeling as it slides along another piece of steel, and the flexibility of a Feder gives it a feel that cannot be properly recreated with wood or synthetic blades which are either to stiff or too slippery for proper understanding of technique.

For Longsword recommend really any the Feders designed for sparring (avoid ones that are ‘technique’ or ‘light’ etc. as they are usually only good for solo practice) from Hema Supplies, I personally use a Chlebowski which I really like. The ‘standard’ longsword is a Regenyei, if you want something that is well tested and proven to work in HEMA. Purpleheart Armoury also offers a wide selection of Feders and provides excellent customer service.

For Langes Messer I recommend Landsknecht Emporium, with a thick edge option. Also make sure you get a Langes Messer rather than a Kriegsmesser etc since they’re about as long as a longsword, and Langes Messer is a one handed weapon.

For Pollaxe I recommend either Fait D'armes (the fancy luxury model training pollaxe with a rubber head), you can also get a harder thermoset plastic pollaxe from Purpleheart Armoury, though make sure to get the right kind of shaft. You will also want to get some anti slip silicone mat and some cord to tie around the langets to avoid the head getting pulled off and to prevent damage to the shaft.

There are others viable options available, if you would prefer them let me check them out to make sure they will be safe for our style of training.


Gloves are equal to a mask in terms of importance. I really like the Spes Heavies, other gloves work, but the heavies do the job well and don’t break very quickly.

Fencing Mask

Fencing masks are incredibly important for more advanced training as they allow for light strikes to the your partner without risk of harm. There are several available, from a wide range of retailers, any of the 350 newton variety are acceptable. Personally I prefer the PBT mask as it is extremely comfortable.

Here are a couple other places that sell them:

Ideal fencing

Zen Warrior

Fencing Jackets

Fencing Jackets are important for freeplay but if you are on a restricted budget, you can delay buying one for a bit. Purple Heart Armoury has a good selection, though I’d avoid the ‘light’ variants as they aren’t intended for longsword fencing.

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