First Class
What do you need to prepare for your first class?
For you first class please arrive on time for the scheduled class, bring indoor shoes, an athletic cup, and water.
What are classes like?
Classes start with a basic warmup, and then transition into a demonstration of the skills we will be working on, then break into partner drilling. Newer students are usually paired with more experienced partners. Then we end the lesson with freeplay.
What equipment do you need for your first class?
For your first class you will need indoor shoes, an athletic cup, and I highly recommend bringing a bottle of water.
For the Longsword class we normally have enough equipment to loan new students. As you continue your training you will be expected to get your own gear over time. As you use the gear, you can find which equipment you prefer.
Where and When?
Please look at our Schedule page for the time and location of classes.
How much does it cost?
We offer a first lesson free so that you can try out the class and see if it’s right for you.
Classes normally cost $20 per lesson, or $60 per month.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact me via email at CJSkillen(at)gmail(dot)com. You can also call/text message me at 204.918.7588
You can also join our Discord Server and talk with our members there