Winnipeg Knightly Arts

Historical European Martial Arts School

Winnipeg HEMA swordsmanship school focused on the Lichtenauer school of combat.

We study Historical European Martial Arts and currently focus on German Longsword. In the future we plan to expand into Langes Messer, Dagger, Wrestling, and Pollaxe.

Some freeplay from Jan '17

Hey all,

Sorry I haven't been posting anything recently, we haven't stopped training and I've been working hard on my interpretation of Leckuchner's Messer. Due to some changes in work I've had to dedicate extra time an effort towards that so I've neglected to post much.

I'm excited to announce that I will be making much more video in the future and posting regularly, specifically on much of what we've been working so hard on in our club.

Here is the footage of our freeplay which unfortunately is a bit outdated now. I've edited it to focus on the actual swordplay. You can change the youtube settings and set it to half or quarter speed to review any specific part in slow motion as well, which is why I haven't edited in the slomo.

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